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How to make your Telegram channel successful through SMM subscribers: seven ideas

Those who decide to promote their Telegram channel are faced with many options for attracting new members. This is mainly due to the fact that this social network has a rather weak search engine. As with most blogs, new subscribers only appear after reposts or mentions of your channel in other chats or channels. Or if you buy SMM subscribers.


But you didn’t create your blog just for bots, so in addition to using a global social media dashboard to increase engagement and statistics, you also need to work on your content and make it go viral. Yes, like many other social networks, success primarily depends on the quality of information. If you are creative, original and outstanding, you have a chance to attract thousands of readers. In this article, we provide seven ideas that will help your Telegram posts go viral.


Debunk the most common myths in your niche


There is so much misinformation and misconceptions in every area of our lives that it can be difficult to find truly quality content. But you don't have to share only real information with participants. The more niche and nonsense you share, the more likely you are to attract attention.


As a reviewer or expert in any niche, you can analyze a book that is considered a bestseller and find out that its content is rather useless. As a psychologist, you can talk about rude and selfish people and try to prove that sometimes behaving this way is not such a bad thing. You probably know better what beliefs and myths exist in your niche. Posts like these can quickly go viral, so get a Telegram membership and make sure your channel is ready for the masses to arrive.


Analysis of the most common errors


Listing the mistakes that newbies in your niche make is another great idea for a viral Telegram post. The good thing about this topic is that everyone makes mistakes, even experienced people.


There are many topics to be found here: mistakes that are stopping you from selling, speaking with confidence, feeling better, eating healthier, changing your life for the better, making sure you have enough time for hobbies, etc. People love reading about mistakes and can leave so many responses and comments that they won’t even need to use a social SMM panel.


List of necessary/useful things


A well-known publication format that works well in Telegram. It's quick to read, easy to share, and people take screenshots for future reference. The content of such lists ranges from books, films and podcasts to useful articles, channels and websites.


Some examples of random niches include:


- 15 things to take with you on a trip (destination)

- 10 things you need to have on the beach in summer

- 12 apps that make life easier

- 20 movies that will make you cry

- 9 foods to eliminate to lose belly fat in two weeks


If you start publishing at least one such list per week, you will soon find that many newbies are visiting your blog. And to prepare for such attention, I recommend gaining a sufficient number of SMM subscribers, post views and reactions to convince them.


Repost from the archive


Sometimes it's good to remind your audience of good content from the past. So feel free to republish old posts, especially if they were useful to your audience and received a lot of responses. You can create special hashtags for these posts, such as “archive,” “classics reread,” or “always on.” If a post loses relevance for some reason, use the services of SMM providers to increase the number of views and responses and show people that the post is still valuable and in demand.


A digest of the best posts of the month or quarter is also a good idea to make the most of old posts. If your channel has a lot of posts but low engagement, it's worth buying Telegram subscribers to make your blog look more impressive.


Don't be afraid to talk about your failures


Share your biggest or most recent failure and be honest about what happened and why you failed: lost money, made bad choices, burned food, failed an exam, etc. The bigger the failure, the more interesting the audience will be in the story. Finally, share what lessons you learned and be sure to mention what you can do to prevent this from happening again to your readers. But even this conclusion is not necessary. For some reason, users love to share stories of catastrophic failures that happened to other people, particularly bloggers. Perhaps because their life seems cloudless and carefree. To add more drama and excitement to your story, pre-order views and responses to your posts from social media panels around the world, and they will automatically be added once your story is published.


Tell meaningful stories Here you can share content that is not related to your niche. This is a great way to connect with your audience and give them the opportunity to learn more about you. You can say that you went on a trip or went to a concert. If you want to get more shares and responses, share your thoughts and opinions about fashion events. Please be aware that you may receive negative reviews.


It is better to stick to more or less neutral and relevant topics for the audience. Tell a story about an expensive pair of white shoes you bought but were afraid to wear because it was raining or sleeting outside. You must have a conclusion that relates to a topic in your area of expertise. For example, how I take care of my shoes so that they always remain white. If your audience thinks the story is irrelevant, go to a cheap SMM provider's website and give your post a cheap reaction and opinion.


Humor and memes


Humor is appropriate and even good in almost every niche. The only recommendation is not to use this idea too often. Humorous posts and memes always attract attention and responses, but, unfortunately, they do not show your expertise.


Work hard at creating viral content and you will see new people start joining your channel. Combined with a robust social media dashboard, you will soon achieve your blogging goals and become a great content creator.