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Never Avoid: 7 Mistakes That Will Never Increase Your Telegram Subscriber Count

Creating a Telegram channel is much cheaper and easier than starting a blog. Messenger has all the tools you need to turn your channel into a real blog with thousands of subscribers. Even though more than 55 million people open the app every day, you can't just get people to join your channel - only hard, consistent work will help you increase the number of subscribers on Telegram.


Most people don't spend enough time blogging and expect miracles and luck. They can wait forever. Or they can read this article to understand how to get subscribers on Telegram. In general, I want to focus on the most common mistakes that everyone makes. Learn from them to become a better blogger.


Choosing a Niche You Don't Like


Why is that bad. If you are not interested in the topic, you will not be able to write well or publish interesting content. Moreover, you may quickly lose motivation to search for new information.


What to do. Don't choose a niche just because it's popular or because you think you can make a lot of money from it Managing a Telegram channel is a difficult and time-consuming task. You need to be 100% sure that you love the topic, know something about your chosen niche, and are excited to share your knowledge with people.


We have already written about the best niches for Telegram, but you shouldn’t limit yourself to just this list. If you have enough fire in you, you can learn how to gain subscribers on Telegram on any type of channel.


Very frequent posts


Why is that bad? Viewers quickly lose interest. People also use Telegram as a messenger, so they don't really want to see dozens of new notifications and unread messages when they open the app. Plus, they may run out of ideas.


What to do. Limit yourself. Of course, if your niche is about breaking news, you can publish as many posts as you like. If this is an educational or entertainment channel, then 2-3 posts a day will be enough.


Running a Telegram channel does not mean publishing endless Instagram stories about life. The information you provide is more about quality than quantity. This way, you will have enough time to prepare really useful posts, and your subscribers will not be upset by frequent posts.


You can track your post's popularity by seeing how many people have viewed, responded to, and commented on your posts. Buying views on a Telegram channel can increase poor engagement, but never broadcast such content. Not worth it (as users won't find it valuable or interesting).


Enthusiastic narratives


Why is this bad?” Boring,” “like everyone else,” “Google it” - these are the phrases channel owners don’t want to hear about themselves.


What to do. Connect with your followers and build trust with more personalized communications. What techniques should you use?


- Greet your audience in a unique way.

- Use slang.

- Add sarcasm and humor.

- Explain complex things in simple words, for example, using memes.

- Add your own opinion - great for blogs about books and films.


If you do everything right and find the right tone for your story, you will no longer have difficulty finding ways to attract Telegram subscribers.


Channel "not ready"


Why is that bad. Potential members don't understand why they came to your channel. There's no reason to join.


What to do. Before you introduce your channel to a wider audience and start adding users to Telegram, choose a memorable name and avatar, write a description, decide on a navigation menu and publish a few posts. Give users a reason to stay on your channel.


It is most difficult for beginners to promote their channel; you can make your blog more interesting by ordering views and buying members for your Telegram channel Prosmmtop offers all types of contactless activities for Telegram: Multilingual comments, reactions and post views; you can also buy votes on Telegram.


This public format does not increase the number of participants on Telegram


Why is that bad? Again, it's boring. Your content and the way you present it must change to keep your audience interested and engaged. There are hundreds of ways to make your channel more fun.


What to do. Videos, short text, long text, images, multi-slide images with text, voice messages and audio files, polls, quizzes, user-generated content, etc. Monitor views and other statistics of your Telegram channel to constantly analyze the current reaction of the audience.


At some point, you'll find four to six different formats that appeal to your subscribers. Stick with them and keep looking for alternatives to the types of content that aren't working. Tailor it to your audience's needs and you'll You will be generously rewarded with reactions, comments and reposts.


Lack of visual elements


Why is that bad. Images, videos, charts, GIFs, screenshots and stickers are an integral part of all social media. They help you create your own unique style and stand out from dozens of similar channels. If you post text after text without visual elements, it will not increase your popularity on Telegram.


What to do. A picture is worth a thousand words. Research shows that we remember only 20% of what we read and 80% of what we see. So maybe it's time to prioritize visual content.


If you're still searching for the perfect visual style, take a look at what your competitors are doing. Analyze 10-15 popular channels in your niche and see which items and topics generate lively discussions and numerous responses.


Change the main theme without warning


Why is that bad? Well, it's a little strange, isn't it? Let's say your fitness advice channel suddenly changes to a cryptocurrency blog. Yes, your interests may have changed, but this is not the way to gain subscribers on Telegram.


What to do. If the fire of your topic is slowly starting to fade, it is better to be honest about it with your audience. In advance. Someone will leave your channel, but the most devoted ones will remain. Alternatively, you could post a poll asking if channel members support this transition. In this case, undecided users can buy votes on Telegram to help them make the “right” choice.


Finally, remember mistake #1 - if the channel you choose is boring even for you, you have no chance of creating great content and increasing your Telegram membership.