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Why start your own blog and gain subscribers on Telegram?

You're constantly scrolling through social media and wondering if you should start your own blog. You definitely have a lot to share - each person's experience and knowledge is unique. However, not everyone succeeds online. In this article we will tell you how to start a channel on Telegram and gain subscribers.


It's impossible to determine the "best platform" for blogging - YouTube focuses on longer videos, Twitter on shorter thoughts, and TikTok on shorter videos.


Let's look at seven reasons why Telegram can become your number one messenger.


1. Telegram does not have an algorithm.


When dealing with Instagram, you never know what will happen. Algorithms decide what content to show, what posts to hide, how many followers will see your posts, and even when they will see your stories.


Telegram is a messenger. All notifications are in chronological order and are located between regular chats with friends and colleagues. Therefore, by choosing Telegram as your blogging platform, you can be sure that all members of your Telegram channel will see your materials. By default, they will also receive an on-screen notification when you publish a new post.


2. several types of content


Telegram is not limited to one type of content like many other apps. Its possibilities are almost limitless. You can share.


- Texts and photographs

- Videos of any length and size (including recorded videos);

- Clickable links

- Audio files and messages;

- Files of any extension.


One of the best features of the app is the ability to use Telegram's low-cost growth bar; Prosmmtop offers several options, from followers to reactions to posts. Check out our services here.


3. You can buy Telegram members to promote your channel.


Without followers and name recognition, it can be difficult to grow a blog from scratch - one of the main disadvantages of Telegram is that it does not promote your posts. So you have to do it the hard way.


Usually people share their favorite posts with their friends - this is the best way to promote. What you need to worry about is the quality of your content. Members of your Telegram feed can repost any post and potentially attract new followers, so it's important to reward current readers.


If your stats are low or continue to decline, consider using an inexpensive Telegram control panel - Prosmmtop will help you attract Telegram subscribers and increase awareness of your post.


Here's what we offer


Group/channel members from different countries

View messages (up to 500 latest messages)

Reaction to posts;

Comments in seven languages



The opportunity for rapid growth is very attractive, but don't forget about the real work. You will find useful tips in our article “What is the working method to increase the number of subscribers on Telegram”.


4. The messenger has many tools.


Telegram is a universal application for any type of blog: shopping, lifestyle blogs, educational platforms, courses and trainings can be conducted directly in the application. Users appreciate this because they don't have to register on other sites, receive unwanted emails, or switch to other platforms to get what they want.


Telegram bots will take your blog or business to a whole new level. They will save you a lot of time. To help you be better than your competitors and gain subscribers on Telegram, we have collected several useful bots:


1. delorean (@delorean-bot) allows you to schedule the date and time of publication of posts. Content is published automatically, without your participation.

2. dr. Web (@drwebbot) acts as an antivirus, checking links and files for safety.

3. pollBot (@pollbot) creates simple polls and shares them with your audience.

4. PosterBot (@pstrbot) sends posts from other social networks directly to your channel or group in Telegram.

5. URL shortener bot (@LinkGeneratorBot) shortens unreadable and sometimes endless URLs, making your posts more elegant.


Halfway through this article, you have already noticed that Telegram has many useful tools and opportunities for development.


5. Telegram channel members are more educated and mature


Before creating a channel, it is important to analyze and understand what audience you are targeting; YouTube is a universal platform where people of all ages can find useful content; TikTok is mainly aimed at teenagers. It's aimed at them (but that doesn't mean adults don't use it). What about Telegram?


As of February 2022, only 8% of Telegram users are teenagers (under 18 years old). This means that the people using the app and participating in the channel are older and more mature. The largest share of app users (about 31%) are aged 25-34 years.


Another indicator worth paying attention to is gender. Statistics show that only 39% of Telegram users are women. This information is very important when choosing a niche.


6. You don't need a personal brand to get subscribers on Telegram.


When creating content for a Telegram channel, there is no need to replace informative posts with photos and lifestyle information. This is because we already have Instagram. As you may have noticed in the previous part, older and older viewers are not looking for entertainment.


So it's worth keeping a few things in mind.


Members of your Telegram feed did not come to your blog to see photos of breakfast or cats. They are here to get useful information. Let's give them this information.


7. Spend less time creating content.


Working on Telegram gives you more free time because you don't have to record every step you take. There are also no rules like “reply to all comments within an hour” or “interact with the audience to get a boost.” Your growth depends on the quality of information and cheap telegram panels.


We hope this article helped you make up your mind and dispel all the doubts and fears that you had about this messenger. Prosmmtop site for buying Telegram subscribers and getting new tips for promoting on social networks for more information.