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Use These 8 Tricks and Watch Your Telegram Followers Grow

Telegram became popular among bloggers in 2022. Due to frequent problems and constant disruptions in the operation of Instagram and Facebook, blog owners began to become familiar with the platform en masse. And since many already know the basics, only one question remains: how to attract Telegram subscribers to your channel?


The problem is that Telegram is not a social network, but a messenger for communication. Each person chooses which channels to join, and there are no algorithms or sponsored posts to get your content in front of potential audiences. Telegram users are very selective as they communicate with their friends and clients as well as many channels.


Getting and keeping their attention is very difficult. Here are eight smart tricks that will help you improve your blogging skills and increase your number of subscribers on Telegram.


Always start your posts with a strong hook


Telegram channels look exactly the same as in any other messenger. This means your job is to come up with a powerful first line to grab the audience's attention. Moreover, a shocking and exciting opening will make them immediately open and read your post, which will increase the number of views.


Of course, we're not talking about clickbait headlines that lead to nowhere. Don't scare off your subscribers. If you have any doubts about your entry, answer the following questions:


1. Is it intriguing enough? Do you want to know the continuation of the story?

2. Does the article explain the introduction?

3. Does the introduction contradict the text?


Maintaining a balance between personal and professional life


Telegram is not meant for lifestyle content, but there is nothing wrong with sharing personal things in a professional manner. People tend to communicate with bloggers with whom they have a connection (even if the only thing the blogger and Telegram member have in common is having a pet). This is important and allows people to build strong relationships with their audience.


Overall, 95% of the content should be useful and valuable. The remaining 5% should remain personal content and not be shared too often. By the way, personal content on Telegram is not about the moments of your life, but about your failures, mistakes, achievements, decisions and professional behavior. Part of the blog will consist of practical information, and other parts will be filled with your expectations, hopes and conclusions.


Focus on the text


Telegram offers many ways to present content, but it is primarily used for text messages. Users also prefer to read rather than watch videos and photos. If you don't know how to write texts, you might want to consider starting a blog on this platform.


Even the most eloquent writers inevitably encounter difficulties at first. If your blog has a small number of subscribers, it will not look attractive to real users and you will not be able to attract them to your channel. But don't worry. For your first promotion, you just need to know where to buy Telegram members and how many views and comments your posts receive. And Prosmmtop is a site that can offer you all this inexpensively.


Pin your posts to navigation


Once you've gained paid subscribers on Telegram and filled your channel with useful posts, it's time to make your blog user-friendly for real people. There is no better way to attract your audience to your space than by creating and pinning a navigation post. This is a post that contains a hashtag and a short description so new people can easily jump to the information they came for and learn more about your blog. Post ideas for pinning can be found in this article. For more social media marketing tips, visit our blog.


Post regularly


Regular posting is an integral part of blogging. Blogging is not a hobby that can be done once in a while; it's like work. Consistency and clear goals will lead you to success and you will witness a real increase in the number of subscribers on Telegram.


However, the good news is that you don't have to create content every day. After all, you can imagine that your friends write you news every day - the Telegram feed is in the messenger that people open often, so daily updates will only frustrate them.


Prioritize creating viral content


The best way to promote Telegram is through word of mouth, so make sure that every time you post something you receive an avalanche of shares and shares. If you create truly valuable content, you won't have to worry about where to buy Telegram subscribers or how to increase your channel's subscriber base.


Read this article to find out what content will attract users, leave comments, and engage them in discussions (aka promotions) on your channel. And most importantly Rule of thumb: don’t try to promote an empty channel. First, publish a few quality posts, invite friends to leave comments, gain paid subscribers on Telegram and review the posts. A live and active channel will be more valuable in the eyes of potential subscribers.


Create a social space


While Telegram is primarily about showcasing your knowledge and know-how, creating a space for Telegram members to communicate can also be a great solution. People don't like silence. Consider including comments under your posts - the more messages people leave (or Prosmmtop SMM service), the greater your chances of getting more followers.


If enabling comments is out of the question, you can create an open comments post once a week where followers can discuss whatever they like. Again, if there is not enough activity in your publication, our SMM service can help.


Increase loyalty with audio and video messages


Video and audio posts add personality to your blog. No matter how good your content is, at some point people will wonder who is behind the blog. Introducing them through a short audio or video message is the best way to build a strong relationship. Follow these steps and read other articles on our blog and you will never get lost on how to get subscribers on Telegram. And if the current statistics do not suit you, do not forget to buy post views, reactions and comments - Prosmmtop has everything you need.