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What to Post to Get More Followers on Instagram: 9 Great Content Ideas

Creating a content plan for Instagram is something that every blogger struggles with. Sometimes it may seem like there is nothing to write about. But if you want to increase your Instagram followers and promote your blog, you need to constantly post new information.


The easiest way to start growing is to use an inexpensive SMM service. By buying fake followers and likes, your account becomes more attractive to real users. Then, when you're ready to show your profile to thousands of people, try connecting with them through posts and stories. Below are nine great ideas for engaging people.


Posting questions and answers


You may not have 100,000 followers yet, but some of them will probably be asking you questions. So why not dedicate an entire article to frequently asked questions about your niche and provide detailed answers to them? You'll be surprised that more people need this information than you might expect.


In addition, creating such a publication does not require much time. You can make these Q&A posts traditional and your followers will look forward to them.


Educational materials


People always appreciate posts that showcase your knowledge and experience, share tips and tricks, or provide unique recommendations. Statistically, users are more likely to save and share educational posts than others. This is the best way to increase reach, engagement and attract a loyal audience. So ask yourself: “How can I help my subscribers?


If your educational post goes viral, it will be shared with a lot of people. And, no doubt, they will open your account and start checking out your blog. Get ready to attract their attention with the help of SMM panel for Instagram - likes on unpopular posts! and order fake followers.


Ask for advice.


This trick is the opposite of an educational post. This is where you make your followers feel like they are experts and can help you with something. It's funny to see that people sometimes like to show off their knowledge, and you can give them the opportunity to be useful and needed. In addition, the number of comments on your posts will increase. You can also use this technique to create stories. In this case, you will get more interactions on your personal profile, which is good for the algorithm.


In general, try to make your content as interactive as possible. There should always be buttons people can click on, questions they can answer, polls they can vote on, etc. Your account will grow organically as people interact with your posts and stories .


Share personal information.


Let your audience get to know you better. This is a shortcut to gaining their trust. For example, every blog should have several types of personal posts


- About you/introductory posts

- 5-10 facts about yourself

- Personal stories that demonstrate your values and beliefs

- Share your triumphs

- Failure stories

- Interactive game "5 truths + 1 false fact."


Again, these posts don't take much time and are very entertaining. The most important thing is that users like such posts. No matter what your blog is about, people always want to know more about the creator.


User-generated content increases the number of followers on Instagram.


You might think that these types of posts are only suitable for store owners or people who sell something through Instagram, but that's not the case. Generally, when people (not just you) share positive feedback about what you do, you become more authoritative and trustworthy in the eyes of other users. User-generated content is an incentive for other users to trust you. So the next time someone thanks you directly, feel free to take a screenshot and repost it.


Encourage users to mention you in stories. If your profile is currently fairly unknown, take advantage of cheap social media marketing services to increase engagement and get new people to stick around on your page for more than a few seconds. For example, Prosmmtop provides not only followers, but also Instagram likes and comments, and even video views.


Quotes (relevant to your niche).


Sharing quotes is the easiest and fastest way to increase your Instagram followers without having to spend hours searching for and creating compelling content. Also, people love quotes and save the most relevant phrases. If anything can go viral on social media, it's a motivational post. And the best part is that you can find quotes for any niche and topic.


In addition to filling gaps in your content plan, quotes can inspire, educate, motivate, inspire hope, and encourage followers. Don't underestimate this type of publication. To ensure your publication attracts a wide audience, do not forget to add hashtag every time you share a quote. For example, #MotivationMonday, #InspirationDaily, #Quotestagram, etc.


Behind the scenes


Behind the Scenes is a powerful form of publishing. People are naturally curious and want to learn more about a service, product, or video creation process. Why is it good. Because people are tired of seeing their perfect life on Instagram, where everything is edited and highlighted. They want to know how much effort it takes to become a blogger, what daily life is like, what problems, failures they have, etc.


Users tend to respond favorably to behind-the-scenes posts, giving them more likes than usual and leaving comments. However, if something goes wrong and your post goes unnoticed, you can use Instagram likes to fix the situation. Know where to sell yours


Personal favorite things.


This post is a great idea because it combines two aspects. It tells your audience about your personality (what products or services you use, what movies you watch, what books you read, etc.) and educates them at the same time. Imagine how you could increase your engagement simply by wearing the same perfume as someone else or wearing the same sneakers.


Sometimes people see you through the prism of your professional experience and are not ready to perceive you as a person. If you need special promotion for your favorite posts, visit a reliable SMM panel site for Instagram to like and comment.


Checklist and recommendations


Fun fact about Instagram: Even a short checklist of five posts can get more engagement than any other type of post. So don't neglect these powerful tools. Checklists and guides are very popular, whether it's a list of things to do in the city, a list of restaurants to eat at, or basic summer outfits. There are so many options, and people save and share checklists more than anything else.


As you can see, there is nothing difficult in creating interesting and viral content. In most cases, it doesn't even take much time. And when combined with inexpensive SMM services, you will soon realize that your blog will continue to grow.