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SMM provider panel and four tips on how not to lose Telegram channel members

Promoting a Telegram channel can be quite difficult. Publishing any posts can lead to mass unsubscribes. The problem with social media is that people are more selective when choosing content and bloggers, so you have to work twice as hard to achieve results. One of the best ways to get consistently good statistics is to use the services of an SMM provider.


However, these are just the basics. If you want your channel members to become loyal viewers, you need to constantly attract new users and stop worrying about those who left the channel. Some of your audience will eventually lose interest in the topics you write about. Someone will stop using Telegram, delete all chats and leave all blogs. And, of course, as in any other social network, people will unsubscribe from blogs with content that is not interesting to them.


Why people leave Telegram feeds


Uninteresting or irrelevant publications appear in news feeds every day. However, thanks to clever algorithms, they do not appear in Instagram or Facebook feeds. Even if someone made a series of unsuccessful posts, you are unlikely to pay attention to them. This is because when you post, you get a notification in that person's feed.


This is a person's personal space in the digital world, and everyone wants to keep it clean. Just one bad post and a feed user can say goodbye to your blog and leave forever. As a result, your stats will drop and fewer people will see and comment on your posts. However, our cheapest SMM panel can generate enough activity to keep your blog alive, including post views, reactions, comments and even new members.


And since fake channel viewers don't bring any more activity, you need to do something to keep real users from leaving your channel.


Meet channel members' expectations


Instagram gives you more freedom to choose what you post. Even if your followers don't find a post relevant or interesting, it can still be promoted by the algorithm and seen by a wider audience since Telegram has no algorithm and users join your channel so they don't miss what you post. Therefore, if you stop publishing interesting and relevant materials, the likelihood that a user will leave your channel will increase.


Try to publish different types of content - serious and humorous posts, long and short texts, photos, texts, videos, etc. Telegram users will never get tired of seeing such a variety of posts, and you will have more options on what to publish. Of course, if engagement is falling due to not enough posts, use the Bulk SMM panel to increase the number of participants in your Telegram channel and publish views and reactions from Prosmmtop.


Don't post too long content too often.


Large content takes time to read, so many people prefer not to open posts from serious channels right away and save them for later reading. If your channel already has a lot of unread posts, at some point it will start to bother you. Some people will feel guilty for missing out on useful content. And less loyal subscribers will simply become annoyed by the growing pile of unread messages. Then they will start unsubscribing from the mailing list.


The best way to prevent this is to not post long messages more than twice a week. In addition, one long message is enough for Telegram. The only negative is that viewer loyalty grows a little slower than with frequent publications. However, you already know that with the help of an SMM service provider you can increase activity and increase the number of channel members. Gain momentum with the cheapest SMM panel supplier


Every blog, even the most popular one, needs the cheapest SMM panel services - fortunately, they have improved, and now even a trained eye will not be able to distinguish real activity from fake. We have many quality services that will make your blog more interesting and popular.


Our SMM panel suppliers have the lowest prices compared to other providers. In fact, you can find services to suit any budget: if you need stability, there are quality offers with constant subscribers and reactions, and cheaper options for beginners who need to attract more people with beautiful numbers.


Ad moderation, mutual PR and sales


Whether we like it or not, we are surrounded by advertising, PR campaigns, promotions and sales. Perhaps you also sell something through social networks. In this case, promotions and sales are inevitable, but if you have a blog about movies, fitness, programming or investing, you don't want to ruin your channel by posting too many ads or unrelated content.


The value of each participant in your Telegram channel is that he came here for but with your content and information, so don't push him away by posting too much commercial content. Also, avoid mutual PR. If you need more engagement and subscribers, use the SMM providers panel.


Post at the right time


In most social networks, the time of publication does not matter, but on Telegram it is different: posts receive about 20% of their reach within an hour of publication. You can also promote every future post in the Bulk SMM panel - Prosmmtop provides automatic views and reactions for future posts.


You can also follow a few simple rules:


1. 1. do not publish posts after 22:00 and before 21:00.

2. Post great content only when people have time to read it. For example, from 9 am to 12 pm or from 5 pm to 8 pm on weekdays. Weekends are suitable for video content and occasional posts (memes, humorous posts).

3. Consider the daily routine of your readers, such as freelancers, students, housewives, etc. Different categories of people may read your posts at different times.


Members of the Telegram channel follow your posts very closely. It is inevitable that you will be unfollowed after each post. Use our tips for improving your blog and don’t forget about SMM panel providers.