Have you decided that you really need your own Telegram channel, but don’t know where to start? Technically, registering a new channel will take no more than a minute, but all the main problems begin after. Any admin or channel owner will tell you that getting subscribers on Telegram is incredibly difficult. But today we are going to share with you a useful promotion strategy.
We do not promise fast growth, but we will help make it less difficult and more consistent. From choosing the right niche to boosting subscribers to your Telegram channel, our 8-step strategy will save you a lot of time.
Helpful: check out our selection of working and non-working promotion methods here. In the article, you will find many relevant recommendations.
Step 1: Do your research before creating a channel
You have probably already thought about the topic of your channel. However, this is not enough. Before you click the "Create Channel" button, ask yourself one simple question (and don't forget to answer it):
What value do I provide to my subscribers?
In order to grow continuously and not depend solely on buying subscribers to your Telegram channel, your channel needs to be attractive. In marketing, this is called a value proposition. Think about what you can offer that others don't.
Writing about cryptocurrencies? Let the "dark horses" (coins with great potential) become your value proposition. Is your channel about travel? Offer promo codes for discounts at hotels (or a bigger discount than your competitors). In every niche, you can find something that will make people choose you over dozens of similar blogs.
Step 2: You need to buy Telegram subscribers
Once the key elements of your channel (name, description, and photo) are added, we recommend promoting your Telegram channel using the SMM panel. Why is this important at this stage?
While you are uploading content and doing other development activities, someone will definitely stumble upon your channel. But will people want to be among your very first subscribers? Until you have recognition, it is unlikely. Having at least a hundred participants is important for all young channels - it is important to show users that your information is valuable and worth their time.
At this stage, you can buy Telegram subscribers in small quantities (up to 1 thousand). Remember that an empty channel does not inspire confidence.
Step 3: Think about a content plan
Content is the foundation of foundations. No amount of Telegram subscriber boosting will do the work of maintaining the channel for you. It is you who must find and publish posts. Fortunately, your functionality in the messenger is almost limitless: Telegram offers many functions and options. Upload long videos, share clickable links, add audio, images, stickers, polls and games.
The following steps will help you create a content plan:
determine the frequency of posts;
select the type of content (photo, text, audio, video);
always check if your information is unique or rare;
decide if you want to receive comments and reactions to your posts.
There are no universal rules here - it all depends on the topic of each specific channel. For example, a news channel can have 20 posts a day. On the other hand, five new techniques every day is too much for a self-development channel. People simply will not have time to “digest” the information and use it. Try, find a balance and see what works for you.
Step 4: add 10-20 posts to promote your Telegram channel
Now that you have a channel, a content plan and a few hundred subscribers, it's time to add a few publications. People need to see what you offer them before they decide to join your channel.
A couple of strong or useful posts will be very useful. This should be information that people will want to share with their friends. Why is this important? Because the best advertising in Telegram is word of mouth. Users recommend channels to each other. Channels grow. Everyone wins.
Prosmmtop offers the following services:
- boost views in Telegram
- boost subscribers in Telegram
- boost Russian subscribers in Telegram
- boost Telegram reactions
- boost reposts in Telegram
- boost polls in Telegram
- boost in Telegram bot
Step 5: collaborate with other channels of the same topic
In the beginning, you spied on your competitors. Now it's time to collaborate with them. This can help you gain subscribers in Telegram and get an interested audience.
Here are some techniques that you can use almost for free:
Self-promotion. Join a competitor's community and leave comments under their posts. Make sure that your messages are useful, interesting and meaningful. Other people's subscribers will go to your page themselves.
Mutual PR. Offer your competitors to advertise their channel on your blog and ask them to do the same for you.
Hold a joint giveaway. After all, everyone loves free stuff, right?
Competitions: For example, a quiz. With an enticing prize so that people will definitely subscribe to your channel to win.
Mutual reposts. Channels with the same topic can repost each other from time to time. This is a native way to attract more subscribers.
Step 6: here you need to buy Telegram subscribers again
The above tips will help you gain an audience, but impressive growth is impossible without boosting subscribers to your Telegram channel. Constantly monitor channel statistics (how many new people came and went, the ratio of subscribers and views, the number of reactions and comments) and buy the necessary activity.
Set a promotion budget and use the SMM panel to promote your Telegram channel. Register right now and order the service you need. We have the lowest prices on the market, and we are constantly adding new options. With Prosmmtop, you will get fast and high-quality promotion and be one step ahead of all competitors.
Step 7: Leave links to your channel on different sites
This is probably the most effective strategy that doesn’t cost a dime. However, like everything free, it will take a lot of time. Spoiler: a lot of time!
Your task is to monitor information on your topic on other sites and leave a link to your channel in the comments. You don’t need to spend all day browsing sites and searching for articles. Use free tools to receive notifications, such as Google Alerts.
Step 8: You can promote a Telegram channel with quality work
To maintain the interest of your current audience and attract new people, you need to constantly create useful and quality content. Channel administration is like a full-time job. You must be completely immersed in the process.
Cheating subscribers to a Telegram channel can be a great addition, but not the main tool for growth. It was created to make promotion easier and faster. Go to our website to buy Telegram subscribers and other services at an affordable price.