How an SMM panel for Instagram can fool algorithms

Many bloggers wince when they hear the word “algorithm.” To many, he seems like some kind of beast that destroys every attempt at growth on Instagram. However, there is a way to tame this beast and increase engagement on your posts, stories, and videos. In addition to truly high-quality content, you will need an SMM panel for Instagram.

Social media marketing services have improved significantly since they were first introduced. Just 5 years ago they only had an attractive following. Now their functionality has expanded: you can buy comments in many languages, not put likes and even views on your videos. Why not use these services to bypass capricious algorithms?

If you still think that this type of promotion can ruin your account and lead to a permanent ban, read our recent article “7 Myths About Using an SMM Panel for Instagram,” where we share a smart approach to using a cheap SMM provider.

How algorithms work

In 2016, Instagram changed the way it displays content, prioritizing "moments that matter to you." What did they really mean by these words?

The smart system analyzes the behavior of each user (which posts he likes, which accounts he interacts with, which links he opens) and offers him the most relevant publications in accordance with his own actions. This way, two people who follow the same list of accounts will see different offers when they open the app.

In addition to personal preferences, Instagram takes into account 2 important factors:

1. New information has priority (users are most active during the first hour after the publication of a publication, video or story).

2. Interaction is the key to success (be sure to always respond to all comments and private messages if you want people to continue to see your content).

Essentially, this is everything you can do for free. Other important statistics (likes, reach, and views) can be improved with the help of your Instagram followers panel! But the good news is that you can buy all these services from a cheap SMM provider.

Maximum reach using SMM panel for Instagram

The application is very interested in promoting high-quality and interesting content. Reach and engagement play an important role in ranking: algorithms automatically give priority to posts and videos that receive a large number of likes, comments and saves.

Hopefully you've already worked on exclusivity and value in your content. Now it's time to give it a little boost. Cheap SMM services are the best way to increase your publication statistics. No matter what goal you're trying to achieve (get more Instagram followers, engage people in conversation, or attract new users with popular content), Prosmmtop has the right service for you!

It would be a mistake to focus on just one type of content. If you are serious about growing on Instagram, pay attention to the following aspects:

· fascinating stories;

· valuable publications;

· exciting drums.

Each part of social networks has its own secrets and ranking criteria. Let's see how a cheap SMM provider can help you improve your statistics at each of these stages.

How to be noticed in the feed

All publications and videos appear in the feed. The most important point here is to get as much reach and engagement as possible within the first hour - views, saves, comments and likes. This will let Instagram know that your content is worth promoting a little more.

Use the Instagram Follower Panel to get the engagement you need when you publish a new post or video. At Prosmmtop we understand how important speed is. That's why we offer instant services to help you increase your Instagram Reels views quickly!

The same goes for posts. You can order likes and comments (available in several languages) to increase engagement on new posts. The algorithm will notice this and begin to promote your publication further. As a result, more real users will be able to see your content. The only thing we want to warn you about is moderation. Don't strive for millions of likes if your account has 3 thousand followers.

Promoting Instagram Stories

Stories are a great tool for interacting with your audience, but not many people know how to use them correctly. There are a lot of contradictory facts about them. Some say you should post stories every day to stay connected with your audience. However, the rules of the game have changed a little:

1. Prioritize quality over quantity.

2. Do not download Stories in bulk (one after another at the same time).

3. Add relevant geotags and stickers. Clicking on them increases engagement.

4. Let your audience interact with you through questions, polls, and quick reactions.

5. Don't post every time day! Taking a break is critical to generating new ideas and keeping your audience interested.

6. Don't post more than 6 stories a day.

What happens if you don't follow these rules? In this case, expect engagement to drop by 70%. With Prosmmtop, you can boost the stats of your unpopular or unseen stories. Just give us the link and our cheap SMM panel for Instagram will do the rest.

Improved Reels statistics

Love them or hate them, but Reels are the driving force behind Instagram these days. No reels = no organic growth. It's true whether you accept it or not.

Thousands of videos are uploaded every day, but only a few of them receive millions of views and likes. We don't know the secrets to attracting Reels, but we do know that a cheap SMM provider can instantly increase engagement on your videos. Send us a link to your publication and we will promote it as soon as possible!

Bonus Tip: Go to the Review Page of a Cheap SMM Provider

Getting on the Review page is every blogger's dream. Here the user can find relevant posts from an account that he is not following. It's completely free for account holders! That's why you should double down on your efforts to create quality content - you might get a chance to get recommendations! But without cheap SMM services this will be almost impossible.

As we mentioned above, a reliable SMM panel for Instagram has everything you need to increase activity and reach under any type of publication. Undismissed likes will tell users about the value you provide, and huge reach will fool capricious algorithms. But the main thing is that it will make your account more popular and recognizable!