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Why You Can't Get Instagram Followers Without Losing Them: Four Major Mistakes

Instagram is fickle. Followers come and go, how many likes are given to your posts, and it’s impossible to predict who will see your content. As an account owner, you may find yourself constantly frustrated - adapting to changes and constantly making sure you're constantly gaining followers on Instagram can be exhausting.


In this article, we'll look at four common mistakes that can turn off even the most loyal subscribers and cause them to hit the unsubscribe button. Additionally, Instagram likes are on the decline and we invite you to find out the harsh truth about this decline here.


Can you still grow organically? Or is it better for you to use a cheap SMM service to promote your Instagram? All answers are below. Here you will also find reasons why people might unfollow your account and strategies to keep your followers.


Mistake #1: Not sticking to the main topic


(1) Friends, relatives and acquaintances like you as a person; (2) They like the content you create. Let me give you a simple example. You might follow Cristiano Ronaldo because he's a great player and good looking, or because you like Balenciaga shoes.


Your subscribers are the same. Let's say you suddenly switch from discussing fashion trends to being a fitness trainer. Most of your audience will no longer be interested in such content. Because this is not the content they signed up for.


Before moving on to an entirely different topic, it's a good idea to test the soil. If you're changing a niche theme, you need to be sure that you can cover your losses. If you're losing users too quickly, use Instagram social media services to increase engagement.


Mistake #2: Reposting too often


Spammers on social media are difficult to get rid of and very annoying. Nobody likes constantly sharing memes or participating in sweepstakes. People come to your page to see unique content, but what do they get in return? This is a waste of posts and time.


Make sure the amount of content you post is properly moderated. Only unique and interesting posts will receive likes on Instagram. Don't forget that you need to get the most likes. Instagram is already full of ads leaking into feeds and Stories.


Any type of content will not help you gain loyal followers on Instagram.


- Reposting fake news;

- Publishing irrelevant posts

- Thin content (which can harm your audience);

- Giveaways and competitions.


Mistake #3: Posting boring photos


Let's face it: repetitive content won't get many likes on Instagram. on Instagram. A parade of selfies, puppies, babies and food will get you nowhere. Variety is the key to keeping users interested.


Don't post content alternating between boring topics. Be strategic and post different types of photos. Don't be afraid to experiment to see what works.


Mistake #4: Not communicating with your audience


If you're a celebrity with millions of followers, you might not need to respond to them. But if you are trying to promote your blog or brand, you are very communicative and need to be responsive.


At first, you may not respond to a small number of comments or private messages. This can be easily changed with the help of SMM service for Instagram - Prosmmtop offers several options including random comments and emojis in multiple languages (Indian and Russian).


Your job is to respond to all comments you receive, even if they are spam. This is because Instagram will promote your posts if it sees significant activity. And likes and comments on Instagram and comments are a very good and noticeable activity that everyone can get.


Without SMM services you can get regular followers on Instagram


Yes, this is quite possible. However, gaining organic followers is not an easy task. It requires patience and hard work every day (including developing a strategy, publishing posts and generating new ideas). However, we still recommend using SMM services for Instagram. It's not that expensive, but it will help you quickly promote your account and get more engagement.


Reputation on social networks depends on many factors. For example, liking Instagram and posting low-quality photos in the hope of attracting new people is impossible. If you need useful tips on promoting your account, visit our blog. We regularly publish new articles with current updates.


What SMM services are available on Instagram?


When SMM panels first appeared, they offered cheap and unstable options, such as bots and accounts with a high chance of falling off. However, technology is constantly evolving, and now all blog owners have the opportunity to receive high-quality and inexpensive SMM services.


When it comes to promoting your Instagram account ram, you can order any of the following options


Payment for subscribers (including for accounts from some countries);


Random comments (available in multiple languages and with emoji);

Views for IGTV and videos;

Get your posts.


Choose Prosmmtop as your affordable SMM provider and improve your Instagram statistics. We have nearly 400 services to suit all budgets and account types.


Prosmmtop - cheap SMM services for Instagram and other platforms


Do you want to get loyal followers and likes on Instagram without overpaying. Join Prosmmtop today - we have the largest selection of SMM services for all social media platforms. We are constantly improving and updating our services to ensure that every client gets what they need.


We have successfully completed over 8.4 million orders and our users trust us. Still confused? Try our SMM service for Instagram for free. Sign up now and get likes and followers on Instagram without paying.


Final Thoughts: What's the best way to gain followers on Instagram without losing them?


Increasing brand awareness can be a challenging task for newbies and those who are not well known. In addition to working hard on the quality of your content and photos, be sure to take advantage of cheap SMM services to quickly increase the necessary statistics. Don't forget to use our recommendations - always consider the needs of your audience to get long-term and hard-to-remove Instagram followers.