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How to quickly get more followers on Instagram

Attracting followers is a pain for every blogger. Do you feel like nothing you do is helping you? You feel like you're wasting your time. It's likely that you're doing it wrong. Instagram is constantly changing its algorithm and ranking criteria, and you have to constantly adapt to these innovations.


The easiest way to promote your account is to use SMM services for Instagram. When combined with free methods, you can get great results. In this article, you will find five more ways to increase the number of followers and activity on your page.


If you missed the first part of the article, you can find all the tips here. For more tips on how to increase your Instagram followers, come back to this page when you're done reading.


Increase user engagement with stories


With the advent of so-called algorithms that determine who sees your posts and publications, it is becoming increasingly difficult to get noticed. Some of your followers may even miss the posts you publish - Instagram simply does not show them.


What can you do in this case? The answer is simple. Move your main stories and activities into Stories. Stories are a great way to interact with people.


1. create a quiz or poll (keep it relevant and in line with the topic of your blog).

2. add a sticker question. What movie would you recommend watching on Friday night? Don't forget to share your results.

3- Use hooks and storytelling techniques. Make your audience want to know what happens next and return to the previous story.


How exactly will these tips help? These tips alone won't increase your Instagram following, but they will increase your account's engagement. This will cause the Instagram algorithm to randomly promote your posts.


Bonus tip: If you still like posts that aren't popular! then use an inexpensive SMM board. You will get more likes and comments and get as many followers as you need.


Make your grid aesthetically pleasing before using a cheap SMM provider


Think of your account as a website landing page. Imagine someone finding your blog/store and starting looking at your posts and highlights. He sees an aesthetically unattractive grid and low-quality photos that lack cohesion. Will this person want to stay on your page?


You don't have to hire a professional to create a beautiful layout or spend hours combining photos - open Google and type "Instagram grid aesthetic." Browse through the templates and choose the design that best suits your account. You can also look at what is working for your competitors.


Again, an attractive grid alone will not lead to your account growth. However, it will certainly provide a good basis for future growth. If your blog looks interesting, you can order inexpensive SMM services on Instagram.


Bonus tip: Try the Inpreview app (works on both iOS and Android) to see what your mesh looks like. If you only have one account, the application is free.


A Smart Bio Can Increase Your Instagram Follower Count


The biography acts as a calling card. It introduces you to your audience and summarizes your entire blog in 150 words. Why waste it if there is benefit from it?


Some of them are interesting, some are fascinating. Choose the one that best reflects the main idea and personality of your account.


In the first line "TITLE" you can add keywords related to your account. There is currently no character limit, so you can add all the keywords you need. Most users don't know how to do this and add their real name instead.


Your blog is dedicated to travel. Add these words to your name in your bio. Share a healthy recipe. You know what to write in your bio. Always choose the same words that you use in your posts and articles. Otherwise, you won't attract the Instagram followers you want.


Hold sweepstakes and competitions to attract more subscribers.


It's not completely free. However, giveaways are a great way to get more Instagram followers.


This method is a little more expensive than an inexpensive SMM panel. With the help of a reliable service, you can run competitions, for example, or trick people into signing up for your newsletter. The number of likes or subscribers you need, pay for the service and instantly see the results.


Celebrity tags (if appropriate)


You envy those whose celebrity posts and stories are shared. Now you can become one of them. If you do this, the number of followers on your Instagram account will definitely increase, or according to at least your blog will get a lot of attention.


Remember that tagging celebrities for no reason is bad manners. However, if you are creating a piece dedicated to that celebrity, you can make a painting, collage, or bake a cake with their portrait on it. Through creativity, your idol will be able to share his content with millions of viewers.


Keep in mind that it will take a lot of time and effort for celebrities to get noticed. There is also no guarantee that you will be reposted. If you want to confidently promote your page, still use the services of a cheap SMM provider.


Use Instagram SMM services


Without a doubt, this is the most proven way to quickly attract an audience. The service is getting better and better, and no one will tell you what your subscribers like! and the comments won't be able to tell you they're fake.


Prosmmtop offers several options for promoting your Instagram account:


- Correct likes for posts

- Non-followers.

- Quality subscribers from specific countries and regions (see if there are options for your country)

- Views for videos and IGTV

- Comments

- Up button


Visit our website and get all the necessary tools to increase your Instagram audience.


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