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To increase your Instagram followers, add these hashtags to your videos

When you open Instagram, you see hashtags everywhere. They capture the hearts and minds of users and flood your feed. Yes, we're talking about roller skates. The best way to get more followers on Instagram is to forget about old-fashioned photos and create shorter videos.


Instagram gives preference to accounts that use this feature frequently. However, competition is becoming increasingly fierce and even Insta's algorithm is becoming more selective. Therefore, there are all kinds of ways to get more views and likes. to get more views and likes. This includes finding new ideas for scripts, testing trendy audio posts, and using the cheapest SMM panel for Instagram followers - all this involves real work. With the new Prosmmtop service, without leaving your home, you can buy views and likes for your video. buy views and likes for your video.


Five things that can make any video go viral


One of the best things about videos is that they are suitable for any type of blog: in the 21st century, it is difficult to surprise people by showing them a video of a teacher or firefighter in action. Everyone wants a piece of fame and extra income from their blog.


Here's the ABC of fashion videos. Use this diagram when preparing your video:


1. Start your video with a hook. Capture people's attention and don't let it go; Instagram measures how long people watch your content.

2. Add text to your video, such as titles, titles, and subtitles.

3. use hashtags.

4. upload high-quality covers.

5. Use SMM panels for Instagram to increase engagement.


Of all these components of a viral video, hashtags raise the most questions and doubts. However, hashtags can still be effective and help you gain more followers on Instagram. Luckily, we've done some research and are ready to share our secret knowledge with you.


Hashtags on Reels: Rules and Tips for Attracting Instagram Followers


Most people don't know how to effectively use hashtags for promotion. That's why they don't see much change in engagement. Thanks to our tips, you can learn how to improve your audience reach:


- Don't use the same hashtag cloud under every video or post. Change the order or add new tags.

- Add no more than 30 hashtags. This is the optimal number of tags you can use in each post.

- Do not use hashtags that violate Instagram rules (basically anything related to people over 18 or that promotes violence). Even innocent words may be prohibited. To avoid shadow banning, use Google's list of banned hashtags.

- Try to add only high-frequency (more than 1 million posts) hashtags.

- Use different types of hashtags.


Of course, hashtags alone will not dramatically improve your statistics. If you need real promotion of your videos or other publications, go to our website with inexpensive SMM services and buy everything you need for promotion: likes, subscribers, views and even hashtag impressions.


Types of hashtags and their combinations for videos


Mindlessly adding a bunch of tags in hopes of gaining more followers on Instagram will not lead to anything good. For each video or post, you need to create a unique combination (cloud) of hashtags. It is not recommended to copy them. This loses engagement and tells Instagram that you are a spammer.


All tags for promotion can be divided into three main categories: tags that reflect the idea of the video, tags that are popular among the target audience, and high-frequency hashtags. Let's look at how they can be combined to perfectly promote your video.


Tags that reflect the idea of the video


The first group of hashtags (about 50%) should describe the content of the video. Let's say you post a video talking about the 10 best restaurants in Paris. In this case, the tags should include words such as "Parisian restaurants", "places to eat in Paris" or "best food in Paris". Check the frequency of the selected hashtag, that is, the number of existing posts. If a tag has fewer than 100,000 posts, it can be used freely.


At this point, avoid explicit and exaggerated hashtags such as "Paris" or "Louvre". They have been added many times already and your content will be lost.


Popular niche tags among the target audience.


This group of hashtags is the most important. It would be a good idea to record a lot of niche tags on your phone or computer. When you create a new video, you can easily find some (about 30-40%) relevant hashtags. Let's continue the example with Paris. In this case, your niche tags will be “Paris guide”, “discover France”, etc.


Don't forget to analyze your tumblr and its performance every week. If views and likes are not enough, you can change that with the cheapest SMM panel for Instagram followers. With Prosmmtop you will get much more than just likes and followers. By visit our website and order as many services as you need for your promotion.

High frequency tags that are not relevant to your niche


There are universal hashtags that should be added to a video, regardless of its niche or topic. Hashtags can help you reach more people with your content and increase your Instagram following. However, keep in mind that if you use too many of them, the algorithm will mark your content as spam.


The following tags are the best examples of video promotion in 2023: InstaDaily, ViralReels, trending, LikeMe, FollowAll, trending, ViralOne. By the way, hashtags are not case sensitive, so you can use lowercase or they can also be used in uppercase.


How to increase the number of video views using cheap SMM services


It goes without saying that making your content great takes time, effort, and a lot of great ideas. We recommend taking the time to create better videos than regular posts; Instagram still encourages them and rewards the best creators with more views and likes to reward the best creators.


Besides following video trends and choosing the right tags for your posts, there are easy ways to quickly get as many views and likes as you want. There are simple ways to quickly get an SMM panel for Instagram - cheap likes, views and other sources of activity that are important to you. If your videos aren't getting as much attention as you'd hoped, cheap social media marketing services may be a great idea.