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Seven key features of attractive posts that will attract users to your Telegram channel

Telegram is a popular messaging app and one of the most sought-after marketing tools for business owners and bloggers. Telegram is used by many people around the world as an alternative to Instagram and Facebook. If you want to attract more Telegram users to your channel, be active with content.


Some people start their promotion by gaining followers and posting views on social networking sites. However, this is just the beginning. Publishing is a very important part of Telegram's growth, and great posts have a big impact. In this article, we'll tell you seven key characteristics of a great social media post that will have a huge impact on your growth.


One post = one thought or idea


This is obvious, but people tend to forget about it. In recent years, there has been a trend towards simplification, and audiences cannot focus on one piece of information for long. Therefore, if you keep your content short and to the point, cover only one topic, and develop only one thought or idea, your content is more likely to be remembered by readers.


When you write an article, ask yourself: "What is this article about?" Ask yourself: "What is this article about?" and try to answer this question in one short sentence. If you have interesting thoughts or ideas, it's best to write them down and save them for a future post. It is also recommended to promote your new post on the top SMM panel immediately after publication.


The post should address the problem of your readers.


The second most important characteristic of a good Telegram post is that its content is based on the needs and desires of the target audience. Unlike personal blogs on other social networks, on Telegram you can't post a photo of your breakfast or share a snap of your cute cat. If you fill your feed with too much personal information, users will not see the value in it and will quickly leave your blog. In this case, even the panel of SMM providers will not save you from failure.


So remember this golden rule: When creating a content plan for your channel, list the needs, pain points, and desires of your users and use them as a basis for future topics. Each niche has something unique to offer:


- How to dress for summer (fashion blogs)

- What to expect this week (blogs about films, TV series and games);

- How to prepare a child for traveling by plane (blog about motherhood);

- (blog about cryptocurrencies).


Worthwhile posts attract activity - reposts and reactions. But if you find that engagement is low, take advantage of our SMM panel's low prices to get as much engagement as you need.


Catchy headlines increase the number of participants in your Telegram channel


Headlines are one of the main tools for the successful development of your Telegram channel. With the help of headlines, bloggers attract attention to their posts and make them want to go to the channel and read what is hidden behind them. The more attractive the title, the greater the chances of increasing the audience of the channel and increasing the number of views of your Telegram posts.


Headlines play an important role in promoting your Telegram channel. This is because headlines draw users' attention to your posts and help them decide whether to read the post or share it with their friends. It's important that your headline grabs attention and even promises a great story or provides valuable information. If those eye-catching headlines aren't generating enough engagement, use your social media dashboard to boost engagement - provider Prosmmtop has everything you need to grow your blog. Use short phrases and paragraphs.


Think about your users and readers. They don't want to read long and complex sentences. If you keep it short and to the point, your article is more likely to be understandable and surprising.


If you want to create a really good Telegram post, use short sentences and paragraphs, write in a simple, easy to read style, and add lists to your posts; when Telegram feed users see your post visually before reading it, their brain will think, “It’s not that long and complicated. So they can finish reading it quickly.”


Add hashtags for better navigation.


Since a blog doesn't exist without navigation, and Telegram collects all posts in one place, hashtags are the best way to target your audience. Create some personalized tags and describe them in detail in your pinned posts. When users want to find similar posts, they can simply click on a hashtag to find what they're looking for.


Adding a hashtag to each post makes it easier for readers to find your blog. As a result, your readers will thank you. Unlike Instagram, Telegram tags won't help you reach new audiences or get more likes. But you can order as many as you need from your SMM provider's panel Whenever possible, add emoticons to your posts.


Telegram was originally created as a messenger for friends and colleagues, so it's best to format your posts as if you were sending a message to a friend. This means replacing boring, long sentences with colorful emojis to add punch to your story. However, using too many emojis can seem a little childish.


If you don't use emojis in your messages, it's a good idea to add them gradually and see how people react. If engagement is lower than usual, you can use the top SMM panel to increase the number of views, reactions and comments.


Give Telegram feed participants the opportunity to express their opinions


Again, when writing posts, remember that Telegram is about communication. And communicating with the audience is part of a blogger’s job. Here are a few ways to attract people to your channel and gain their trust and loyalty:


1. leave comments open, but be sure to moderate them, especially if you write about sensitive topics

2. ask questions at the end of the post; And

3. ask Telegram channel participants to share their opinions; 3;

4. ask subscribers to share their experiences.


Now you know a little more about how to make your publication attractive and readable. Follow our rules, buy inexpensive services on the SMM panel, and you will see how your channel grows organically.