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The best instagram growth strategy: SMM Panel and six secrets

Instagram account boosting and promotion

You've read dozens of articles and watched hundreds of videos about Instagram growth, but it still hasn't reached the heights you dreamed of. What could be the reason for this? Could it be that organic growth has ended and the only way to grow is to buy followers on the Instagram SMM panel?

There is no single way to explain how to succeed. First of all, social media growth is a complex and time-consuming process. However, if you learn a few secrets on how to attract more people and succeed in content, you will have a "golden formula" that will give you real growth every day. Follow our secrets and you will see the difference.

Upload videos regularly

Publish two videos a day. Of course, maintaining such a pace can be quite difficult, but with proper planning and a content strategy, you can prepare a list of topics and ideas to implement. Making a short film isn’t as hard as it seems. Here are some examples you can record and use in your video:

- Morning beauty routine

- Exercises behind the scenes

- Making and drinking coffee

- Reading a book in the park

- Walking the dog

Once you have enough content to create a video, try out some other growth tips. In the next part of this article, we’ll cover how to make every post go viral. And of course, boost your account with a cheap reseller SMM panel to increase the likelihood that new users will follow your profile.

Add a triple hook

If you’ve only been adding hooks to your caption or at the beginning of your posts, now is the time to completely change your strategy. Social media is so competitive these days, and it’s harder to stand out if you’re only using one way to grab attention.

Here are three steps to keep users scrolling through your videos:

- Visual hook: Your video should pique viewers’ curiosity from the start, and if you manage to grab their attention for 3-5 seconds, they will be more likely to watch the video to the end;

- Text hook: Use captions to convey the content of the video;

- Sound hook: Use trendy or catchy music.

Hooks are good for attracting users, but you still need to open an account and get them to subscribe. To get new people to subscribe to your blog, use cheap SMM panels and get SMM panel services for your page.

Choosing the right sound for your posts and videos

As you know, each video consists of several elements, and the sound you use is one of the most important aspects. Using the right music and sound can make your video better. Small popular sounds (less than 10k reels or less than 5k) have the best chances of going viral.

Popular audio changes quickly, so the sooner you start using it before it becomes a cliche, the more likely it is to get millions of views. Also, when choosing audio, look for sounds that create an endless loop with your video so that people can watch it over and over again. Once people are interested and click on your profile, surprise them with a huge number of followers and high engagement under your posts. Organic likes and comments, if you don’t have them yet, the Instagram SMM panel will help you get the engagement you need. Focus on attracting comments

While the rest of the world is obsessed with getting likes and views, the best thing you can do to promote your video is to make your videos, captions, and content a little controversial and create a buzz in the comments section. The more users argue with everyone and try to prove their point, the more engagement you will get.

It is important to note that you do not want your blog to turn into one big search racket. However, here are some innocent ways to get lots of comments (other than buying from SMM service panels):

1. making spelling and grammar mistakes;

2. "forgetting" to add information to the post (which can be edited later); and

3. expressing opinions that may be unpopular or controversial.

Get off to a great start with an Instagram SMM panel

One of the easiest ways to grow is to buy engagement and followers for your blog. This is a great start for beginners who don't want to spend months on organic growth. With cheap SMM panels, you can skip this painstaking step and start creating viral content.

Of course, even without quality posts and videos, fake Instagram likes and followers SMM panels have always been a great help for people trying to get to the next level in social media, but they don't write posts for you or write articles for you. They won't write articles for you or shoot videos for you. Only hard work and content-strategy can attract real people to your account.

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Worthwhile bombs

Each piece of content you upload should have a certain value for your target audience. This does not mean that all your posts, stories and videos should be filled with useful tips and life hacks. You can equally well encourage your subscribers (funny posts, memes, jokes) and share useful information.

When creating a content plan, mark each piece of content, indicating what value it represents. Always ask yourself: "What will users get from my post? According to statistics, valuable posts are shared and saved more than any other. Because to further promote this post or video, you can order more likes on our cheap reseller SMM panel and comments. As a result, your publication will be balanced and active enough to go viral.

Worthwhile captions

Some bloggers are so focused on creating good videos that they forget or neglect to write interesting and valuable captions. This is another serious mistake that hinders the growth of the account. When users read the captions, the video loops in the background, and the number of views continues to grow. If there are many comments, people will read them while the video loops in the background.

Now you know a little more about how to successfully promote your Instagram account. Use our tips to improve the content and do not forget to use the SMM services panel - a quality service without dropshipping will attract more users to your blog.