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How to avoid mistakes when promoting Telegram using cheap SMM panels

The use of Telegram for commercial purposes is growing around the world. Hundreds of millions of users, thousands of channels, billions of views, comments and reactions - that's what Telegram is today. Over the past four years, the number of open channels in this social network has grown from 20,000 to 150,000, which makes promotion without cheap SMM panels almost impossible.


Many bloggers who launched Telegram channels quickly became disillusioned: what worked on other social networks rarely works here. What worked on other social networks rarely works here. As a result, many of them make mistakes that prevent them from taking their blog promotion to the next level. Below we list the six most common mistakes everyone makes on Telegram and share tips on how to avoid them.


Choosing a trendy or general theme for your channel


Choosing a topic that is too popular or generic for your new channel can slow down your promotion process. Let's say you have an idea to create a blog about the release of a new movie. And you wonder how many other bloggers are doing the same thing. At the end of the day, you are just a drop in the ocean and you will end up exactly the same. To be competitive, you need to create high-quality, truly unique content and use SMM social media panels to stand out from other channels.


There are more reasonable approaches. Choose a specific niche or topic and don't be afraid that you won't have millions of subscribers - on Telegram, a loyal audience is much more important than the number of subscribers. And if you're worried that your blog is so small compared to other channels, simply buy a Telegram membership from a reputable provider. However, be realistic and don't aim for hundreds of thousands of subscribers.


Send Telegram daily


Neglecting planning and content strategy is a big mistake. You should think about the topic of your posts and the frequency of their publication in advance. Many bloggers view Telegram as a replacement for their Instagram account and publish three to four meaningless posts a day. This is a big mistake because this pace of content production will only frustrate your subscribers. People don't have time to read that many posts in a day, so if your posts don't get enough views, you will have to buy views and reactions on your Telegram posts to change the situation.


The only exception is the news feed, where you can publish as many posts as you like. Other blogs that don't fall into this category don't require frequent posting, so it's fine to post content no more than 2-3 times a week. If you notice a sharp drop in engagement, use the services of a cheap SMM provider to restore the balance.


Try to promote your channel for free


Everyone wants to become famous without investing a penny, but reality hits home: free promotion on Telegram will only bring you a few hundred subscribers per channel, and obviously this is not the number you are looking for. If you want quick results, you will have to invest in an inexpensive SMM panel. Luckily, you can get as many different services as you want, including followers, post views, reactions, and comments. It is cheap and effective compared to other advertising methods where nothing is guaranteed and costs more.


Expect rapid growth without cheap SMM panels


Each of us has the number of subscribers, likes, number of subscribers, number of comments, number of views, etc. We are used to measuring success in numbers. This is also true for Telegram, since this social network is not as popular worldwide as Instagram or YouTube, so it cannot be expected to have the same number of channel members as, for example, Instagram.


However, the good news is that even 20,000 Telegram followers are worth more in terms of quality, loyalty and engagement than the same number of Instagram followers. Basically, if you have 20,000 channel members (and this is a pretty impressive number for this social network), you are already lucky. But keep in mind that only about a third of them participate in the life of your blog - 30% engagement is almost a luxury (and the more subscribers you have, the lower this figure). If you need to increase your engagement rate, use SMM social media panels to get more views and responses.


Failure to create a concept for your channel


If content is the king of social media promotion, then your blog concept is its queen, and in Telegram, the channel concept is the basis of success. The content itself (material, information), tagline, tone of voice (in what style you communicate with the audience) - all this is crucial.

Ideally, the concept can be clearly stated in the channel description: in 255 words, explain what your channel is about, who is behind it and why you can be trusted. Without such an idea, you will simply waste money on cheap SMM service providers and nothing what you won't achieve.


Creating unreadable publications


As you have already seen, buying subscribers and reactions is not enough for the channel to flourish. Real work is also important, and if you constantly make even minor mistakes, you will never be able to develop. For example, one of the rudest things a Telegram blogger can do is poorly formatted content. Italics, bold, inline links, underlined text, strikethrough text, spoiler stickers - Telegram has a whole set of tools that other social networks do not have. And, of course, don't forget about emoticons.


Indeed, all these colorful designs evoke mixed emotions in the viewer. A huge number of emoticons used without a specific purpose also indicates the intellectual level of the blogger. If they match your concept, move on to text design. If not, then it is better to minimize the number of emoticons and decorative elements in the article. If you have problems with engagement, you can buy post views on Telegram from a reputable provider.