Накрутка подписчиков в телеграмме на канал

Telegram is not gaining members. Check your channel!

Telegram promotion and boosting

Attracting a loyal audience is a pain that every blogger understands. It is a roller coaster ride with unexpected turns. But there are social networks where promotion can seem like an endless vertical cycle. If you are also struggling to grow your Telegram audience, we can help.

Creating a Telegram channel is a great idea and quite practical: people open the app every day to communicate with friends and colleagues, so they will check your channel too. The only downside of a blog on Telegram is its promotion! .

But that is exactly what we want to talk about today.

Why people do not subscribe: the most common mistakes

No matter how experienced you are in blogging, it is natural that you make mistakes from time to time. But learning from your mistakes is the path to improvement.

In an attempt to become popular as quickly as possible, most newbies buy thousands of subscribers using cheap Telegram bars. However, this step alone is no longer enough to attract real users. Before clicking the "Join" button, people also evaluate the quality of the information and overall engagement. Post views, comments and reactions are also important, and Prosmmtop provides you with all the necessary tools to make your channel interesting.

People make many mistakes in promotion, even with proven providers... But they will not help you get subscribers to your Telegram channel. Be prepared for the truth. Open your channel and check how many subscribers you already have.

Prosmmtop SMM panel services for boosting a Telegram channel:

- boosting people in a Telegram group

- boosting Telegram post views

- boosting reactions in a Telegram channel

- reposts of Telegram posts

- comments under Telegram posts

- boosting premium Telegram subscribers

- boosting votes in polls

- mailing in bots

№1. You don't know who your target audience is

There is a common belief that good content attracts millions of people to your blog. Every channel owner is convinced that people wait for exceptional information all their lives. But in reality, you need to know exactly who you are creating articles for.

To better communicate with your channel members, you need to know a little more about them. Write down on paper the main characteristics of your average subscriber:

- Age and gender

- Where they live

- Job and income

- Hobbies.

- Their difficulties and expectations;

- What they can get or learn from you.

To complete this task, you will need a couple of hours of free time. Free up your schedule and focus on creating an image of the average reader. This will give you a better understanding of what information should be published. After that, you can fill your channels with content and order promotion services in Telegram.

№2. Don't put your subscribers first

Before they click the "Join" button, users ask themselves: "What will I get if I subscribe to this channel? Go beyond their expectations and explain what useful, valuable and important things they will get from reading your blog.

There is no better way to increase your Telegram subscribers than to understand your strengths and offer what people are looking for. In this virtual age, we look for advice on the Internet (some people even google their symptoms instead of going to the doctor). The best advice we can give is to put other people's needs first. Successful blogging is about giving and sharing experiences.

As you can imagine, a feed filled with "photos of my life" or "me and my days" has literally zero value for people. Think about how you can turn your daily life into something inspiring and educational for people.

#3. Not focusing on engagement

Gone are the days when it mattered only the number of subscribers. Now we are dealing with a completely different approach, where the main thing is engagement. Users want to feel connected to you - they want to demonstrate their knowledge in the comments, see your reactions and answers, or just chat with like-minded people. How can you give them this? First, open the comments under the post so that they can react. Let users freely express their opinions - Telegram has many tools for successful communication. Create polls and quizzes to learn more about the preferences of your subscribers.

Sometimes subscribers are not as talkative and active as you would like. Fortunately, the Telegram promotion service can help you. Buy reactions, comments and votes with a cheap Telegram bar, and your real users will cast aside their shyness.

№4. Catchy names help attract more Telegram users

All channel owners agree that the search in Telegram is terribly inconvenient. To find the right channel, you have to type the full name in the search bar. Therefore, take care of that the name is easy to remember.

I can't think of a great channel name. There are a few recommended channel names that you can follow if you want to get subscribers to your Telegram channel.

1. Include keywords of your niche in the channel name (e.g. "Investor's Wisdom" or "Learn English with TV Series").

2. Be creative and take your time; cool names like "Buddha Once Said" (great for quotes) or "Sarcasm Territory" (memes) are catchy and not boring.

3. Be concise.

4. Use only letters and numbers, no special characters.

5. Use the same language as when writing the content.

Spend as much time on this step as necessary. It is highly recommended to stick to the name you choose and never change it.

#5. Believe that you can grow organically

Free blog growth methods are the first thing that interests everyone. Unfortunately, like all free offers, they are of low quality; we have already discussed possible promotion methods with Telegram (spoiler: there are not many) in our review of the most popular promotion methods.

If you really believe that you can develop without a cheap Telegram panel, think again. Simply publishing good content will not get you very far. And maybe not even in 1000 years. Unfortunately, you do not have that much time. Use as much time as you can now and use a Telegram promotion service like Prosmmtop. Our cheap option is accessible for beginners and convenient for those who already have a large audience.

Come to Telegram with intelligence and knowledge, and you will probably have thousands of questions about how everything works here; it is almost impossible to tell about all the ways to increase the number of Telegram members in one article. We invite you to take a look at our blog. And if you need high-quality SMM services for your social networks, Prosmmtop is always ready to help you develop.