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How to get high-quality channel promotion with the help of premium Telegram subscribers

Like any other social network, Telegram strives for the top - Telegram constantly offers new features and benefits to its users. However, recent changes have created many problems for channel owners: before, promoting on Telegram was much more difficult than on other similar applications, but now it is almost impossible unless you have an active Telegram premium member.

Finding a premium account can be difficult and cumbersome, especially if you also need to pay attention to the quality of the content. The simplest solution is to buy a premium membership from a reputable SMM provider. In this article, we will tell you how these services will affect the future of Telegram promotion and why it is important to get them first.

What will change in the Telegram channel in 2023

Telegram touts its new features as innovative and useful, but in reality, all these innovations only benefit app manufacturers. We'll find out why later.

Here's what has changed in all Telegram channels since September of this year:

- The number of premium members plays an important role in search engine optimization;

- Premium members can "unlock" certain channel features;

- Channels can publish Stories.

Stories are a very popular content format on social networks; Major apps like YouTube, Facebook and Instagram are already using Stories. The main goal of Stories is to increase the amount of time users spend on social media, as they can only be viewed for 24 hours. This is a great way for channels to communicate with their subscribers. For example, bloggers don't need to fill their feed with numerous daily posts if they can remind people about their blog using Stories.

However, not all of this is good. In the next part, I'll discuss why these new features are a big problem for many channel creators.

Potential problems channel owners may encounter and what to do about them

But if you think the Telegram update will magically work for everyone, there's some bad news. To enable the feature of publishing stories, channels must receive support from their users - boosts and votes in Telegram are a kind of bonuses that subscribers can give to channels they like. With this option, channel owners get access to additional features. To reach the first level and open access to publishing stories on behalf of the channel, they need to get 0.1% of the total number of subscriber votes.

Not all channels can boast a huge number of premium members. Sometimes a channel is aimed at an audience that cannot afford to pay a few dollars a month for a premium account. What to do if you are one of these channel owners? The answer is simple: don't waste time attracting real premium members and get all the action you need at a low price on our SMM panel website.

Get a real boost to your development with affordable premium Telegram subscribers

Promotion on social networks is not easy, which is why so many people are trying to develop their channels using SMM services. The new rules have created some difficulties for channel owners. For example, to activate the “stories” feature, channels must collect votes (boosts) from premium subscribers. To start publishing stories, bloggers must purchase a premium membership and pay a service fee to activate the publishing feature. Fortunately, this is only 0.1% of the total number of participants, but only they can vote (promote) the channel. Thanks to the inexpensive service offered by Prosmmtop, you can easily achieve your goals and add new features to your channel. First of all, you can improve your search engine optimization - buy premium Telegram members and their presence on your blog will automatically increase its ranking.

The impact of premium SMM services for Telegram on channel growth

Judging by the latest changes, the channel is now completely dependent on both the audience and the content. A regular user (without a premium subscription) no longer brings any benefit to the development of the channel. Of course, having thousands of subscribers is still important to a blog's overall image and reputation, but non-premium users have essentially lost all power.

Telegram premium members, on the other hand, will be in demand by thousands of existing channels. Only they have a say, but there is a limitation: since each user can only promote one channel per day, it's easy to imagine that competition will be fierce.

Ordering a premium SMM service Telegram

Only users who have paid for a premium subscription can maintain a channel - users who received it as a quality gift, + regular users cannot use promotional functions. This innovation complicates organic promotion. However, by using our inexpensive SMM service and purchasing Telegram subscribers with a premium account, you can stand out from your competitors without wasting valuable time.

Prosmmtop has developed a number of new services that make promotion on Telegram quick and easy:

- Premium subscribers without ejection + views (each account has a profile photo). Services can be purchased for different periods - from 7 days to 6 months.

- Reaction from premium accounts. You can choose a combination of positive reactions or a random set of negative ones.

- History activation service. 0.1% of premium subscribers can vote for your blog to start using a new feature.

Final Thoughts: Possible Telegram Promotion Methods in 2023

When it comes to promoting Telegram, many of the new additions and rules can be complex and confusing. Thanks to our reliable SMM panel offering low-cost services, we have already been able to maintain a stable growth rate. With new features, we can focus on quality content to attract real users, add new features to our service, and promote blogs in search.

By purchasing a premium Telegram membership from a quality SMM provider, you get completely new features before your competitors and before everyone else - this is the fastest way to make your blog more popular and recognizable among more than 700 million messenger users! We encourage you to take a look at our premium services such as.