Is it safe to promote Instagram for money?

Instagram promotion and boosting

If you open at least a couple of videos or articles about blog promotion, you can see how actively their authors discourage everyone from promoting Instagram for money. Among such "experts" there is a belief that buying likes and subscribers can only harm the account and lead to a permanent ban.

But this is not true.

In recent years, the quality of SMM services has increased significantly. Now you can not only boost bots for a "nice figure", but also build a competent promotion strategy with the help of such services. Moderate use of SMM services is absolutely safe.

If you still think that SMM promotion of Instagram will "kill" your blog, rather read our article about 7 popular myths about SMM services and stop believing rumors that are not supported by real examples.

Let's see how paid Instagram promotion increases the reach of publications and helps the blog stand out among millions of competitors. SMM services will definitely be indispensable if…

Your account is being unsubscribed en masse

Such things can happen if you participated in a rather vague adventure called “mutual subscription” or held a contest in which users had to subscribe to your account. Losing a large number of subscribers in a short period of time is a giant red flag for Instagram.

To avoid getting a shadow ban due to mass unsubscription, you need to understand how to add subscribers to Instagram to “make up for the losses” from the poor strategy that you chose. No need to buy millions of bots, order a cheap service from an SMM provider to return the number of followers that you lost. Instagram subscribers are a basic service that every promotion service provides. With Prosmmtop, you can start with a free trial.

By the way: in the future, avoid such controversial methods of blog development as “mutual subscription”, and do not organize contests where the condition is a subscription to your account. These promotion methods are long outdated.

You got under the shadowban

The peculiarity of the shadowban is that you will never know about it. When an account gets banned, the algorithms automatically hide all new publications and Stories from users. As a result, your posts are not visible, and engagement and reach decrease sharply.

The shadowban can last from 2 days to 4 weeks. During this period, there is practically no chance of organic growth. Even a couple of days of unplanned downtime can negatively affect the statistics. SMM promotion of Instagram will help you in this difficult moment. As soon as you notice a significant decrease in reach (more than 40%), go to the website of a reliable and cheap SMM provider.

Prosmmtop has everything you need to quickly revive your account:

- boosting a Telegram channel

- boosting posts in Telegram

- boosting activity in Telegram

- boosting a Telegram bot

- boosting a Telegram reaction

- boosting a Telegram poll

- boosting stories in Telegram

You get fewer likes than usual

With the introduction of algorithms, users began to notice that it is becoming more and more difficult to get likes with each new month. What could be the reason for the decrease in the number of likes? Basically, anything! Insufficient interaction with the audience, ignoring comments, adding the wrong hashtags, uploading average quality photos - it is so easy to do something wrong these days!

We recommend that you stop worrying about the number of likes and comments (because you can always buy them) and start paying attention to the quality of the content you publish. The competition on Instagram is incredibly high, so all your posts and Reels should be visually pleasing, interesting and useful. Remember that quality is always more important than quantity!

When it comes to fighting unruly algorithms, nothing will boost your statistics better than Instagram SMM promotion. Every order in Prosmmtop is 100% safe. We do not need your passwords or any other personal data. Choose the required number of likes/comments/subscribers, give us a link to the publication and get the result!

You want to bring Reels to the top with Instagram promotion for money

Whether you like it or not, but in 2022, growth in Instagram is simply impossible without short videos. The application promotes the best of them for free, and creators of memorable videos see their Instagram subscribers increase.

How can Instagram SMM promotion help you bring Reels to the top? With the help of a new service! With Prosmmtop you can promote not only posts with photos, but also all the videos you upload. Increase the number of views on Instagram, buy likes and comments for Reels, and find your publication at the top!

To increase the chances of making a video viral, follow a few simple rules: add popular sound or music, create a video that people will want to watch to the end, and don't forget about the description and hashtags.

Subscribers do not leave comments under posts

About The main problem with all social networks is that users constantly need to be motivated to take action: like, comment, vote, subscribe and share posts.

Everyone dreams of a large number of likes, but for some reason few are interested in comments. And it’s a shame, because they: (a) encourage people to spend more time on your page, which the algorithms really like, and (b) participate in the conversation. Think for yourself, which post will you stick to longer? Where is there a heated discussion or just 2 comments?

It is very difficult to get users to write a meaningful comment (using words, not emoticons). Therefore, to increase the activity and attractiveness of your posts, use Instagram promotion for money. Prosmmtop offers account owners 2 options: emoji and random comments.

Regardless of what kind of comment you receive (genuine or bought), be sure to respond to all of them. Like or pin the best ones, leave a few emojis in response, reply to text messages, and ask questions. Replying to comments increases your reach and shows that you are a sociable person. Plus, when you reply to everyone, the number of comments under your post doubles.

You have too few Instagram followers

Starting a new Instagram blog in 2022 seems a bit rash. Even big bloggers suffer from declining engagement and passive audience behavior. Before you start sharing content, understand how to add followers to Instagram.

Since organic growth can take years, there is nothing wrong with paid Instagram promotion, buying likes, followers, and comments. Real people will be attracted to a quality blog where there is activity: where you publish interesting Stories, share useful information, and interact with the audience. Combine real work with SMM services for Instagram, and you will notice rapid growth.